About us
OpenWebStart is an open source project released under the GNU General Public License, Version 2, with the Classpath Exception. The project is initiated and maintained by Karakun AG.Contact details
Karakun AGElisabethenanlage 25
4051 Basel
Phone: +41 61 551 36 00
E-Mail: openwebstart@karakun.com
Web: https://karakun.com
Organisations and foundations
We are part of several organisations to work on solid software and standards.AdoptOpenJDK is a community of Java User Group (JUG) members, Java developers and vendors who are advocates of OpenJDK and provides rock-solid OpenJDK binaries for the Java ecosystem and also provides infrastructure as code, and a Build farm for builders of OpenJDK, on any platform. The core of OpenWebStart is developed as part of AdoptOpenJDK.
The Eclipse Foundation provides a global community of individuals and organizations with a mature, scalable, and business-friendly environment for open source software collaboration and innovation. The Foundation is home to over 350 open source projects, including runtimes, tools, and frameworks for a wide range of technology domains such as the Internet of Things, automotive, geospatial, systems engineering, and many others.
The swiss made software label is dedicated to promoting the Swiss software industry, both at home and abroad. It combines Swiss values such as quality, reliability and precision – especially in software development.
The association swissICT connects ICT solution provider, user and professionals in Switzerland. swissICT fosters the evolution of the market and professionals with own projects and strategic partnerships.
ASAM is a standardization organization where experts from OEMs, Tier-1s, tool vendors, engineering service providers, and research institutes meet to commonly standardize development and test systems for the automotive industry.
The openMDM® Working Group wants to foster and support an open and innovative eco-system providing tools and systems, qualification kits and adapters for standardized and vendor independent management of measurement data in accordance with the ASAM ODS standard.